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Foreshore Marine Exhaust Pty Ltd - World Leaders in Marine Exhaust Innovation

Wind Cheetah Muffler

Windcheetah Charters

Windcheetah Charters, WA chooses cost effective

Windcheetah Charters operates out of Geographe Bay,229 klms south of Perth,WA.Florrie Lynch runs his 15 mtr sailing catamaran in these beautiful waters and over the wreck of the HMAS “Swan” a purposely sunken wreck that attracts divers from all over the world.

So when Florrie realised his old mufflers were looking sad and tired,he decided to upgrade to a Foreshore Marine Waterlock Muffler. He is operating in a very remote area and needs parts and systems to be 100% reliable. We provided Florrie with a very cost effective exhaust system that was only marginally more expensive than a plastic muffler. Anyone who has ever suffered the melt down of a plastic muffler and the subsequent engine room mess would never choose plastic again.

Please call Brad Gorman on 0418 978 528 to discuss a cost effective exhaust solution.
